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Our hearts were throbbing with them beating so fast. We were caught and caught good. Now what was he going to do to us! You two little shits have been spying on me! Now your NOT going to ever say anything about what you saw! We nodded big and said oh no, never, never&hellip,we were so scared, we both almost peed. He reached in his desk, and pulled out a picture and held it face down. To make damn sure you keep your little mouths shut, I have a picture you wouldnt want shown all over school, or. After about 7 good spurts Mr. J let go of my head and slowly pulled his 7 inch cock form my mouth. Wow. That was all he kept saying. Wow. I stood up and pressed his lips to mine in a long sensual tongue filled kiss. After about 3minutes the last bell rang, bringing us back to reality. He broke the silence, Well, Ms. Hughes I hope youve learned your lesson about talking back? I really was not in the principals office because I had talked back to anyone. I was assigned to help the principal with. She was in his dreams (and not the PG kind) and thoughts constantly. He was hoping he would run into her at the beach again, but she was nowhere to be seen. Maybe this weekend, he thought with a smile on his face. He wanted a chance to talk to her, and if he was being honest with himself, to kiss her again…even if the cost was another slap in the face. He just couldn’t help himself. Usually he was more careful with girls, especially after the fiasco with Keira. But there was something about. . She said to mam she would keep an eye out for me.The next day when they had gone, Mrs F turned up,she came in as the doors were nearly left unlocked, she asked if I needed anything I said no, she noticed mam had left the morning dishes in the sink,the next thing she went to the drawer where the aprons were, looked through them and put on a pink waist apron, the one I had worn the day ealier, she turned to me walked straight over, pulled me out the seat, sat down pulled me over her knee and.
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